Monday, May 13, 2019

S.P.I.R.I.T. goes to Hell...and Blazes


We got you by the title didn't we?  :)  Well it's sooo much better than it sounds!

Hell and Blazes is actually a really cool bar/restaurant in Melbourne Florida.  It's in a building built in 1898 and through the course of it's service to Melbourne it has served as a hardware store, a bank and even a mortuary to crash victims from a 1947 plane crash.  Are these victims still there?  Or is it the former owners of the building?  Can you still hear the piano sounds from the wife of one of the former owners who used to sit and play and the local Indians would gather to listen to the music?

Well S.P.I.R.I.T. wanted to find out!  So when we got the chance we went..there was something more than just the great food and "spirits" that were calling us to this place.

We started our investigation with a base sweep of the building as it had not closed down for the evening yet we setup in a back room and unloaded the equipment to get to work.  As we explored the building we found it has a lot of artifacts found during the restoration of the building.  There are pieces of the history to talk to each purpose that the building served.  In fact the old piano sits in the window of the restaurant.  As we wandered the building we got the normal hits you would expect with the power and equipment.  Surprisingly the artifacts did not give off any indication of being haunted...but the history is powerful.  This included the shoes found, the old bottles, a piece of an old range that was found under the floor boards and a receipt for a casket.

So with the sweep completed and impressions of the building gathered, we still had time to wait for the business to close it's doors.  So we decided to setup some equipment in the back room just to see if anything hit while we were waiting.   We were checking out the artifacts and reviewing evidence from a prior investigation when one of the investigators ask the other to review the EVPs outside of the room as she was not using headphones.  As our investigator got up to leave the REM Pod started going off in the direction of where the investigator was sitting. the investigator sat down and we started an EVP session.  We didn't get responses, so chalked it up to a random hit.  As we talked about what was happening at the time of the first hit, we got the idea that maybe someone didn't like us asking the investigator to leave the room.  So we had the investigator sit back down and then we very strongly asked them to leave the room.  The REM Pod went off AGAIN in the direction of that investigator.  We tried this a few more times with the same reaction each time.  WOW!  Were the spirits upset with us "fighting"?

So at this point we decided it was time to come clean.  We announced to the room and anyone listening that we were not fighting, that we were actually very good friends.  Once we did this we tried the experiment again and nothing happened.  We tried it multiple times through out the night after that and nothing happened.  Did we interact with someone?

Once the business was closed down we proceed to roam the location, we did multiple EVP sessions through out the location and took pictures.  You can see our pictures on our Facebook page...S.P.I.R.I.T.

We didn't receive too much more activity this night, because as we know we have to look at it at one night at a time as they are not there to perform on command.  But reports of apparitions, objects moving and sounds do come from the staff.

Our last sessions was sitting near the piano.  We did EVP sessions asking if someone wanted to talk to us...and we really didn't receive much but as we were doing the sessions and asking the questions we did get several EMF hits from the equipment on the piano.  Were we being observed?

We didn't get answers to who or why someone was in this location, but you can feel the history in the building and the atmosphere is both friendly and inviting both during business hours and after.....

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Until the S.P.I.R.I.T. Talks Again...