Monday, January 14, 2019

S.P.I.R.I.T. goes to SWFL UFO and Paranormal Convention!!

The Team went to the conference this weekend!  What an amazing time!  We met soooo many wonderful people and heard some great information!

We met people like John Zaffis from the Haunted Collector, Rob Robinson the Legend Tripper and his wife Tracy, Mark Muncy (Author of Freaky Florida among many others), the dynamic Team from Tripping on Legends, April and Braxton, Glen Gregory Means  and sooo many more.  If you get time, you need to check out our Facebook or Instagram pages as we posted pictures from the conference.

However, as usual this blog is to be about our adventure!

We brought our newest Team member Lizzie to the conference.  Let us tell you about Lizzie and one of her new friends.  As we approached the conference the first person we met was John Zaffis.  We think he was immediately drawn to her...afterall  she is a doll.

We had a great time with John and Lizzy, by the end of the day, Lizzy was referring to John as Uncle Johnny!!  We did have a LOT of people wanting to take pictures of and with Lizzie.  However, one of the vendors wanted to test Lizzy to see if she was "haunted".  So he brought his EMF detector up to Lizzie.  No reaction on the device.  Then he tried his second meter which was a Gauss Meter.  This meter is supposed to measure the direction and strength of a magnetic field.  Well Lizzie topped the charts!!!  We thought he was joking, but later that day we found out he wasn't.

We left Lizzie to sit and watch over John's booth and were just coming back to pick her up when a group of people came and they all wanted to video tape Lizzie.  The gentleman with the gauss meter came back and we all video taped him as he brought the meter up to Lizzie again.  It was totally maxed out.  You can see the video on both our Facebook page:  S.P.I.R.I.T. or Instagram: SouthernParanormalTeam.

We did some further investigation on Lizzie and we found out she was made somewhere between 1980-1990.  But that is all the history we have on her at the moment, we have more to come which will come out in the Lizzie's S.P.I,R.I,T. adventures blog starting in February.

Lizzie really enjoyed the adventure as well as we did.  She was even able to ask Uncle Johnny a question during the Q&A session!

We met soo many new friends and everyone was so welcoming to our Team.  We really appreciated everything and great information was received and new reading material for the Team!!

Watch for our next blog to come out later this week about an investigation we completed at the Devil's Tree and we can tell you we have exciting events to come as we are scheduled every weekend for the following couple of months!!

Until the S.P.I.R.I.T. talks again.........................

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